Getting Fit in the Busy Modern Lifestyle

With school term well underway, life gets busier and busier. That’s why we’ve designed a 15-minute full-body workout to get the heart-rate up and build muscle tone to get happier, healthier and ready for the summer. All you need is a timer and a towel/mat to rest your hands and elbows on!

This workout consists of 12 sets of 1 minute, with 15 seconds rest between each set. They’re short sharp efforts with a quick rest to let you reset, so you get the most bang for your buck. I use an interval timer app on my phone, like this to keep track of the time.

  1. Bodyweight lunges.

Stand with your shoulder width apart, then step forward with one leg, and drop your back knee down until it almost touches the floor. Step back, and repeat with the other leg.

Bonus: Add a small jump in between each lunge for an extra cardio kick.

  1. Push-ups.

Lay your towel on the floor and get into a front support position, with your arms slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Bend your elbows at roughly 45 degree angles to lower your chest to the ground, and press back up. If needed, perform the exercise on your knees or on an inclined surface for an easier variation.

Bonus: Push up explosively and try to add a clap between each rep.

  1. Bicycle crunches.

Lie on your back with your legs out straight and slightly lifted off the ground. Put your hands behind your head so your elbows protrude out to the side, and sit up slightly until your shoulder blades are off the ground. In a cycling motion, drive your right knee up to your chest, and simultaneously turn your head and upper torso until your left elbow meets your right knee. Straighten the leg out, still holding it off the ground, and repeat for your left leg and right elbow.

  1. Burpees

Start by standing, with your feet shoulder width apart, then squat down and place your hands in front of you. Jump (or step to lessen impact) your feet backwards until you’re in a push-up position. Complete a push-up, then jump your feet back up close to your hands, and stand up, swinging your arms up to complete a jump at the top of the rep. Repeat again until the minute is up.

  1. Bodyweight squats with a calf raise

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, then whilst keeping your chest and back upright, squat down until your legs are parallel to the ground. Squat back up, and when you’ve straightened your legs, stand up onto your tiptoes to complete the calf raise.

  1. Mountain Climbers

Pop down into a push-up position, and alternate jumping your left and right legs forward and backwards whilst holding that push-up position.

  1. Butt lifts/Hip Thrusts

Lie on your back with your legs bent until your feet are almost underneath your knees. Squeeze your glutes to drive your hip up to the ceiling, pause for a second at the top, then lower back down and repeat.

Bonus: Try the single-leg variation with one leg crossed over the other. Make sure to swap at 30 seconds!

  1. Bird-dog Plank Combos

In a push-up position, try straightening your right arm out in front of you parallel to the ground, while simultaneously lifting your left leg. This one takes some practice! Try and hold for 30 seconds, but if you lose your balance, get back up and keep repeating until 30 seconds is hit, then switch over to your left arm and right leg.

  1. Crab walk

You’ll need a little bit of space for this one. Squat down at shoulder width until your legs are parallel to the ground, then step into a wider stance by moving your right leg out. Step your left leg in to return to the original width, and repeat. Go right for five steps, then left for five steps and repeat until the minute is up. Make sure to keep those legs parallel the whole time!

  1. Tricep dips

Grab a chair or any elevated surface, and face your back to it. Place your hands on the edge of the elevated surface, and point them forward. Try and have your legs straight out in front of you, with your heels on the ground and toes pointing up. Slowly lower yourself down, then push yourself back up. Bring your legs in closer and bend them to assist you for an easier variation. The closer they are, the more they help out, so find that sweet spot.

  1. Wall sit

Put your back up against the wall and lower yourself down until your legs are parallel to the ground and your ankles are directly underneath your knees. Hold for the minute

  1. Plank

Almost done! We’ll finish up with the classic plank. Down into a push-up position, then lower yourself down onto your elbows, with your hands combining together to make a fist. Hold for the minute.

All done! Make sure to drink some water, and have a high-protein snack to fuel that muscle growth. If you’re game, try and go for a second round.

If you don’t have the time for the full 15-minutes, try these 5 minute core and butt workouts! These are one minute stations again, but with no rest. It’s go-go-go!

Core Workout

  1. Sit Ups

Lying on your back, bend your knees. Then, with your hands crossed on your chest, tense your core and sit up. Try and keep your feet on the ground at the same time!

  1. Russian Twists

Sit on the mat and lean back slightly, whilst also raising your bent legs off the ground. Cross one ankle over the other, so your legs act as one unit. With your hands together, twist your torso to the left until they can touch the ground on the left side of your body. While you do that, tilt your knees to the right. Do the same for the other side, and rinse and repeat.

  1. Bicycle Crunches

As above in the 15 minute workout.

  1. Dish hold

Lie on your back and lift your legs just off the ground. Lift your upper back off the ground, up until your shoulder blades, and hold your arms straight by your sides. Hold this position for as long as you can. If you can last the minute, great! If not, pause for a second then resume the hold until the minute is up.

  1. Plank Hold

Same as the 15 minute workout

Bonus: Alternate reaching out and “punching” with each arm for an added challenge.

Butt Workout

  1. Bodyweight squats.

Really focus on getting quality depth here. It can help to check in a mirror!

  1. Butt lifts with a hold

Perform the same movement as in the 15-minute workout, and repeat for five reps. At the top of the 5th rep, hold at the top for 5 seconds, focusing on squeezing your glutes.

  1. Bodyweight lunges

Yet again, focus in on that depth and controlling the movement.

  1. Step Ups with Controlled Descent

Find a tall step or stable elevated surface. Step your right leg onto that surface, then, focusing on pushing with that right leg, step your left leg up to join it. Once you’ve stood up, lower your left leg back down, trying to control the movement as much as possible. If you can, try and make it take 3 seconds! Repeat for thirty seconds on your right, then thirty seconds on your left. You should feel a burn in the leg staying at the top of the step.

  1. Crab walk

The last exercise, really focus on staying low for the last 60 seconds!

Great work! Try and repeat these a few times a week, and put some music on or watch some TV to make it a more enjoyable experience.

Now, no matter your level, if you want to go the extra step beyond these workouts and further your fitness journey, we welcome you to join us in our Bardon Beach Body Blueprint classes! Become part of a community that’s all about working hard and having fun while doing it! We have sessions before school, or after drop off at 9am. All sessions are run by skilled and friendly coaches, who are here to make you the best version of yourself!

Best of all, if you have a friend who you think would benefit and enjoy the classes, you can refer them for the both of you to get 2 weeks free when you’ve both started working together for a term!

The hardworking Heidi at one of our classes!

Have a great day, and we hope to see you at our sessions!

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