[FREE] 6 Week Sprint Training Program

Free 8 Week Distance Training Program

For athletes aged 5-15.


Welcome to our 6-Week Sprint Training Program! This program is designed to help you build speed, acceleration & technique, suitable for 100m – 400m athletes (And athletes of sport wanting to get faster!) Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, this plan will provide structured workouts to enhance your performance.

Warmup Routine:
  • 400m of jogging (1 lap if you are at a track)

Then set two cones up 20m apart. Do each drill to 20m, then walk back to first cone.

  • Lunges (Foot should be stepping over other knee)
  • Calf sweeps
  • Side to side skip
  • Grapevine
  • Leg swings
  • Ankling (Quick fast steps, stepping over opposite ankle then pressing into ground, looking forwards not down at feet and staying tall)
  • A skip
  • High knees
  • Short straight leg bounds (drive heels backwards, should feel like you are raking the ground)
  • Long straight leg bounds to cones, then run through another 20m
  • Three 50 metre run throughs, at 70%, 85%, and 100% of top speed. Then put spikes on (if using spikes) and another run through at 100%.


Technique Cues for Running and Drills:
  • Stay tall. Torso should be upright, (no hunching) with a slight forward lean.
  • Arm drive – hands should reach eye level and should swing backwards about 2 inches behind the body, driving the elbow backwards.
  • Press your feetinto the ground, once your knee is at the top of its drive, press it down into the ground instead of letting your foot “float” down to the ground.
Cool-Down Routine

Each session should be followed by a cool-down to aid recovery:

  1. Jog: 1-2 minutes easy jog
  2. Stretch: Full body stretching routine
Core Exercises

Three sets each, do these once per week.

• Front Plank x 30-60 seconds

• Side Plank x 30-60 Seconds

• Reverse Plank x 30-60 Seconds

• Glute Bridge Hold x 30 Seconds

Strength and Conditioning Exercises

Three sets of each, do once per week.

• Box Step Ups with Knee Drive x 10 Each Side

• Jump Lunges x 20

• Calf Raises x 20

• Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 10 Each Side


•Start at the easier ranges if you’re a beginner.

•You can choose which days you train on – we recommend Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Try and have a rest day between each one, so your body can fully recover. This helps prevent overuse injuries.

•For an interactive program or personalized coaching, contact us at coaching@constantlyfit.com

Stay consistent, listen to your body, and enjoy your training!


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Week 1

3x20m, 3x30m, 3x40m Sprints. Standing start, walk back recovery between reps, around 5-6 minutes/drink break between sets. 

Finish with two 80m sprints. Standing start, as fast as possible. Focussing on keeping arm drive (fingers to eye level) all the way to the line.

Start with some technical running drills over a line of 8 mini-hurdles/cones, with another cone 10m after last. Start with 2-3 shoe lengths between each cone, gap should be small enough you cannot run at full speed, make sure you are still maintaining proper running form (knees high, arm drive, toes pointed up) and keeping a quick turnover, then continuing the exact same running action after the hurdles to the cone 10m away. 

Then extending the gap to 4-5 shoe lengths, should mean slightly longer strides than normal. Again, emphasis on technique, give a bit of a bigger run in into cones. 

1-2 sets (depending on time) of 3 reps on each distance. 

After that, 3 sets of 120m sprint, 30 seconds, then 40m sprint back. 4 minutes between sets. 

Do some time trials, to compare times later on in the program. So write times down. 

60m Time trial

100m Time trial

200m Time trial

Ideally pretty long rest in between these, (10ish minutes) can fill time with drink break then bounding for length, high skipping, single leg bounds for length, two feet jumps for height. 

Make sure to write down times so we can compare to later on in the season!

Week 2

2 sets of 3 reps of 30m max velocity runs, so with a running start into cones 30m apart. Enough run in that you are at top speed at first cone, holding that speed for 30m to the second cone. Walk back recovery for reps, 4-5 minutes for sets. 

Then 2 sets of 60m, 80m, 100m. Walk back recovery between reps, 6 minutes between the sets.

Same mini hurdles drill as week 1. Really emphasise full high knee drive and full leg cycle with quick turnover, rather than just as fast over hurdles as possible. 

Then pyramid session. 60m, 80, 100, 120, 100, 80, 60. 2 minutes recovery between all reps.

3 sets of  (150m, then 120m, then 90m), walk back recovery. 6-8 minutes between sets.

Week 3

3x3 30m standing starts (or crouch starts!)

Acceleration focus here. Really thinking about arm drive and arm split with first step, and pushing backwards into the ground with your feet.

Finish with little bodyweight circuit:

10 x Jump lunges for height

5 hops for distance each leg

10x frog jumps for height

10x bounds for distance 

10 bicycle crunches. Do 3 sets with minimal rest in between. Emphasise being explosive and fast through these.

Technical mini-hurdles running on 2 shoe lengths between cones, do 1 rep over mini-hurdles/cones then next rep just over grass (no cones). For the rep over the cones, make sure you are getting your knees all the way up and your full cycle, but with a fast turnover over the cones. On the grass, back to  full stride length but maintaining the turnover and knee drive from cones. Do 6 lots of these. 

Then 3x40m, 3x60m. Allow a couple steps of a run in, encourage maintaining the technique from drills in these throughout the whole distance. 

150m sprint, 2 minutes rest, then all out for 50m, 30 seconds rest, 40m, 30 seconds, 30m. 

Make sure 200m is done fast, close to as fast as they can go. Then all out sprints for the short sprints. Should be a hard session.

Do 2 sets, 10-15 minutes in between sets.

Week 4

3x3 30m max velocity sprints. Like week 2, run in, starting the 30m at top speed. Emphasis on technique.

Then 1x80m run at about 90% of max effort. Not about going crazy fast, but about focussing on technique. Staying tall and upright, arms and knees driving high.

Mini-hurdles drill, start with 3 goes on 2 steps between hurdles/cones, then have 3 goes on 4 steps between cones, then 2 runs on grass, full speed, imagining running over mini hurdles.

Then find a slight hill, not super steep but not too easy.

Then from a crouch start:

30m run, 40m run, 50m run, 60m run. Trying to push ground backwards, should feel like you’re trying to run into the hill. Just one set, this is easy week 🙂

2 sets of 2 x 80m runs. Walk back rest in between reps, 6 minutes in between sets. As fast as possible, focussing on staying tall all the way to the line.

Week 5

3x30m, 3x40m, 3x50m Sprints. Standing start, walk back recovery between reps, around 3-5 minutes/drink break between sets. 

Technical mini-hurdles running on 2 shoe lengths, do 1 rep over mini-hurdles, 1 rep over grass, full strides but maintaining the turnover and knee drive from cones. Do 4 lots of these. 

200m, 160, 120, 80, 40 x 2. Walk back recovery between each, so rest will get shorter for shorter distances. 8-10 Minute rest in between sets.


3x (80m, 100m, 120m), walk back recovery.  4 minutes between sets.

Week 6

3x20m, 3x30m, 3x40m Sprints. Standing or crouch starts, walk back recovery between reps, around 3-5 minutes between sets. 

Finish with little bodyweight circuit:

10 x Jump lunges for height

5 hops for distance each leg

10x frog jumps for height

10x bounds for distance 

Technical mini-hurdles running on 4 shoe lengths, 3 reps, then 3 reps run throughs at full speed, same technique.

3x 40m, 60m, 80m. 

If time, do 3 sets of:

5 Hops for length each leg

10 Frog jumps for length

10 Skips for height

10 Bounds for length

Time trials! Same as week 1, doing 60m, 100m, and 200m time trials in that order. As long rest in between as you need/session allows. Can do some little competitions in rest, have 2-3 goes at countain how many jumps it takes you to go 5 metres!

Make sure you write down your times and see how much faster they are than week 1!

Want to take your training to the next level?

We offer sprints & distance training squads in Brisbane, suitable for all levels of athletes. To view our sessions, click one of the buttons below.

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